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Name Tag Members Website
51. Bestaimers [BA] 2
52. bestofdva b102 6
53. Biało-Czerwoni 1939- 6 http://www.quakelive.com/#!clans/summary/208941
54. Blood Runners -zTn- 18 http://qlclan.wix.com/ztn
55. Boomstick Ownators [bo] 11
56. Brain Kebab bK* 2
57. brainWashed .wd 29 http://brainwashed-team.com
58. Broken Railgun NOaim 11
59. BroZacs BroZ 6
60. Burrito |B| 6 http://www.muchoburrito.com/menu/
61. cake cake- 10
62. Catz&Slipper [C&S] 10
63. Cauldron CLDRN 2
64. Chess Club ChessClub 6 http://www.fide.com/
65. ChillZero -273 20 http://qlchill.proboards.com
66. Church of Frag -][- 7
67. Clan Affe AFFE> 8
68. Club Sandwich Club S 7 http://zulua.fr
69. Clueless Gaming a1mz* 15
70. Come at me bro! camb! 8 http://www.google.com
71. Contra >C< 7
72. COPS COPS 8 http://clanswat.eu/
73. Corpus Del1cti cd- 12 http://corpus-delicti.org
74. Cover My Ass! coma! 7
76. cu in chat :3 2
77. Cyberfight c58 5
78. Czech Demolition Squad CDS) 17
79. D1CKS d1. 8
80. deadclan dead 12 http://minnels.ath.cx/deadclan.html
81. Deadly Alliance d/A 8
82. deal with it deal 4 http://dealwithit.com
83. Deliberate Murder 102. 8 http://team102.ru/
84. Demonic Core DC. 2 http://www.DemonicCore.com
85. Dimension X DX! 6 http://www.dimensionx.be
86. dioxide dx- 8 http://dioxide.pl
87. discord disc 8
88. District 9 D9 8
89. DKM DKM 3
90. DobezChovsky [DV] 2
91. Dolboeb DB 1 http://www.poshelnahuy.com
92. Doomwarriors dwc. 3 http://www.doomwarriors.de
93. Dots ... 8 http://teamdots.eu
94. Double Espresso DE 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
95. Downtown Runtorz Dtr 9 http://www.downtownruntorz.cz
96. Dreams & Magic - Madrid D&M 2 https://www.teamdm.pro
97. Dretwe Lamy [DL] 5 http://dretwelamy.ucoz.pl/
98. Drugs & Porn DP 6
99. Druidz DRz 6 http://www.druidz.se
100. el33t k1ll4z el33t 6
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9