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Name Tag Members Website
101. Elder|Quad|Shrine EQS 8 http://www.quakelive.com/#!clans/summary/233718
102. electric puLse /VVVV 6
103. Elite Killers ek 11
104. EliteFour [E4] 7 http://mywebsite.com
105. ELST ELST 2
107. entertainment ENT 4
108. Entombed ETM 4
109. EPS EPS 1
110. ESP ESP 6
111. etcetera etc. 3
112. EvilNine [E9] 4 http://www.dota.ee
113. excel excel 5
114. execute (exe) 6
115. exellent Gaming exe/ 9 http://www.team-exe.net
116. F.E.C F.E.C 7 http://fragemmclan.com
117. f1st3d f1st 7 http://pr0gramm.com
118. faces of meth $:-C* 9 http://www.mute.tv/faces/
119. feel the pain ftp 0
120. FeelsPotatoMan FPM 2 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/208984784653910016/485835420387770379/Potatooo.png
121. ffa ffa 1
122. fight club F.C. 2
123. Fight da pawah! fap| 8 http://www.quakelive.com/#!clans/summary/203573
124. Fighting Spirit FS 3
125. Fine Essays #fineessays 1 http://www.fineessays.com
126. FireNatic FN 2
127. fish <>< 2
128. Fisherman's cove fsh 4
129. Flick of da wrist FODW 5
130. FoCh FoCh 7 http://foch.ucoz.pl/
131. For Frags Sake /ffs 9 https://www.facebook.com/QlClanForFragsSake
132. forsen bois fucking slaves 2
133. fractal vision fv 5
134. frag collectors fc 2
135. Frag Emm Clan F*E*C 11 http://www.fragemmclan.com
136. Frags For Fun FFF 6
137. France Fr 6 http://zulua.fr
138. Free For All -FFA- 13
139. Funky Town [FTi] 8 http://www.quakelive.com/#!clans/summary/6301
140. funtastiC funC 15 http://www.gayhoshi.com
141. funTeam fT 2
142. FuRy FuRy 8
143. Game Over GO 9
144. GameZone GZ 2 https://www.gamezoneofficial.com/
145. Gan6Play 400g. 2
146. Gasen i Botten GiB 1
147. GdeFlag? GF? 4
148. Gentlemen In Tuxedos GT 6
149. Gentlemenclub c]:-) 6
150. get armor frag bitches #gafb 6
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9